Learn baking cookies, pastries, cakes & more with Riccle.

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Riccle Story

Riccle is a seed brand that came into existence during the deadly pandemic in April 2020.

That is when we realised how important it is for all the bakers out there to just step in the kitchen, grab their aprons, and just start with their baking adventures. We then came together one day and decided to form “Riccle”

Cupcake Master!

Disposable Piping Bags

Made of durable, anti-burst, non-slip and food grade plastic that is flexible, strong, reliable and thick enough to bear pressure of squeezing and frosting without any burst or leakage

Birthday Special!

Cake Stand Set

Delicately crafted gold cake stand is a showstopper of any dessert table stand for presenting your sweet desserts in different shapes and sizes of dessert trays making your baked delicacies more appealing.

Baking Artist!

Bread Lame

Riccle Bread Lame Slashing Tool, Dough Scoring Knife with 15 Razor Blades and Storage Cover

Fruit Mania!

Riccle Fruit Basket

Its modern design complements the décor and esthetics of an organized home while decluttering and organizing the work area.

Why Riccle?


Mattis tortor dolor vitae congue purus imperdiet aliquam ultrices nunc.

Easy to Use

Mauris in nibh purus magnis eget dui adipiscing eget ligula vitae.


Eu quis etiam auctor aenean nisl ut odio ultricies massa orci mauris.

Riccle Affiliate Program

Riccle believes in togetherness and what better way to celebrate the revolution journey than our referral program?

What our customers say about the products

“Justo vestibulum risus imperdiet consectetur consectetur pretium urna nibh augue etiam risus accumsan volutpat urna, eu semper enim, est aliquam laoreet urna fringilla viverra.”

Olivia Holmes

“Ullamcorper enim at amet eget faucibus morbi ornare feugiat posuere blandit donec sit quis lectus eget faucibus scelerisque cras duis.”

Julia Moore

“Justo vestibulum risus imperdiet consectetur consectetur pretium urna nibh augue etiam risus accumsan volutpat urna, eu semper enim, est aliquam laoreet urna fringilla viverra.”

Olivia Holmes

“Ullamcorper enim at amet eget faucibus morbi ornare feugiat posuere blandit donec sit quis lectus eget faucibus scelerisque cras duis.”

Julia Moore